Thursday, May 21, 2009


Last week Bre and I went down to the desert near Escalante for a little break before I started back to school this week. Every time I go to this part of southern Utah I am constantly singing   the words of RJ Garn from his song Escalante... "Camping alone late at night on the river darkness settles down over me cold as the breeze gently rustles the trees and it sounds just like waves on the sea. I’m camping alone late at night on the Escalante and I'm free under the cottonwood trees." We watched the sun set on the slick rock while laying on a small beach under the cottonwoods.

The Cottonwoods are all filled with tent caterpillars right now. There were so many falling from the trees that it sounded like it was raining on our tent.

Bre making her first jump into Bluebelly. 

This is one of the arches located a couple miles up the Escalante river. The alcove in the bottom left has three large Anasazi structures.